Natural Solutions USA is a health and wellness site that is dedicated to helping people live a healthier life. We do this by providing information and advice on a wide range of health, fitness, and toxic free-living topics, to help you stay fit and disease-free. We continually search for the best solutions to help you solve chronic or recurring health issues.
About Me:
Hi there I’m Scot! I’m from Indiana and the writer here at Natural Solutions USA! I’m an engineer, husband, father of 2, an animal lover, natural DIY pursuer. My family and I live in central Indiana where we dream of turning our 11 into a homestead.
Why did I start a Health and Wellness blog?
During the past few years I have suffered from two auto immune diseases. My doctor’s, while supportive and very well educated, only provided heavy duty pharmaceuticals that treated my symptoms. Consequently the medication only appeared to act as a “band aid” and not address the root cause.
As an engineer and problem solver I wanted to get to the root of my problem. Therefore, I started researching what others have done to put these diseases into remission or cure them naturally. As a result, of treating these diseases naturally, I am no longer on any medications from the doctor. One of my auto immune diseases is in complete remission or cured. The other has improved but I am still on the search for a natural solution.
The things we eat, the air we breath, and the things we absorb through our skin impact our overall health and wellness. Therefore, I want to help others find a natural solution to their problems. I continue to search and research solutions to problems.
I am glad you visited my website and look forward to the road ahead as you join me in a more joyful and healthier lifestyle.
Disclosure: (Health and Wellness)
All of advice and tips provided on this site are strictly informational. This site does not provide medical advice. We always recommend that you follow the advice of your physician(s), but we prefer the use of pharmaceuticals only when treating serious diseases.